Sunday 3 May 2009


You would think that the ice at the Arctic was dramatically different from anything in recent memory. However these archives from the 50's and 60's show that thin ice at the Arctic is a frequent occurrence. So next time you see on the TV news that we are facing "unprecedented melting" you know it simplt isn't true.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, anyone with an IQ above 30 knows that global warming is a hoax designed to net trillions in carbon taxes and raised food and power prices.
    The evidence shows that oceanic oscillations and Solar radiation play a much bigger part. Ice cores show that Climate change precedes CO2 level shifts, despite baseless attempts to explain it through complex speculative oceanic feedback mechanisms. Satellite microwave sounding units show that there is no global temperature rise despite steep CO2 rises. Surface temperature readings showing a spike in temperatures a while ago are comprised by shoddy experimental techniques and Urban Island Heating effect and are at odds with, and less reliable than satellite data.
    Also faulty averaging in sub-grid parameterization in the IPCC climate models underestimates the sub-grid Cumulonimbic convective subsidence, resulting in higher levels of water vapour in the upper troposphere, and thus understating the outgoing Longwave radiation, thus creating a non-existent warming effect.
    Ignoring relative humidity is corrupt science as it is the water vapour levels near the emissivity level (Upper troposphere) that affects outgoing longwave radiation as opposed to the overall amount of water vapour in the troposphere.

    Conclusion: It's a fact that Anthropogenic Global Warming is politically and financially motivated.


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