Wednesday 20 March 2019


This piece by Dominic Lawson makes some very pertinent points concerning the recent children's strikes and marches to alert us to the so-called Climate Emergency. Here are some highlights:

"They (children) have been led to believe that British politicians have been doing ‘nothing’ to reduce emissions of CO2. Whoever taught them that is either ignorant, or deliberately covering up the fact that UK CO2 emissions have fallen consistently in each of the past six years (the result of government-mandated action to shut coal-powered power stations).
Last year, or so scientists tell us, UK CO2 emissions were at the lowest levels in more than 120 years, despite the fact that our population and output is vastly higher.

Add to this that the UK contributes little more than one per cent of global CO2 emissions, and you wonder — again — what these children have been told by their teachers. 

Have they been told, for example, that China is building almost 260 gigawatts of new coal-fired power generating capacity (equivalent to roughly the entire U.S. coal power station fleet)?

Have they been told that last year China also financed more than a quarter of worldwide coal plant construction (to the tune of $36bn)?

If these ‘striking’ school-children were at all informed on the matter that exercises them so much, they would be demonstrating not in Parliament Square but outside the London embassy of the People’s Republic of China."

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