Sunday 21 April 2019


Two years ago I posted this lecture by Professor John Christy.  Today I rediscovered it and on second viewing I felt it was still among the very best. In fact, after the recent Attenborough programme
this lecture is the antidote. Christy ticks all the boxes. He is highly qualified in the science; he has an impeccable record of honesty and integrity, and he uses simple evidence to put his arguments across with a good speaking style. This video is so good that I will add it to the must see material on this blog.

Below is more about Professor Christy

Dr. John R. Christy is the Director of the Earth System Science Center, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Alabama’s State Climatologist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville where he has been employed for over 30 years.

His responsibilities include managing a science centre with over 80 employees, working on several research projects ranging from developing and launching space-based instruments to studying impacts of significant weather events in developing countries, to high-resolution studies of air pollution (air-chemistry and meteorology).

His own research concerns developing, constructing and refining global and regional climate data records which may be used to test claims of climate variability and change and to understand the climate’s sensitivity to various forcing factors, resulting in almost 100 peer-reviewed publications. As State Climatologist he interacts with the government, industry and the public regarding climate resources in Alabama that may be utilized in environmentally and economically sustainable ways.

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