Tuesday, 21 October 2008


You've guessed it - another group of alarmists have fed their "data" into their wonderful computer programmes and come up with a catalogue of woes, according to this article in the Mail. This report sounds as though it is a proper scientific study, but where is the evidence? It claims that we are subject to more "extreme" weather events but cite no data to prove it. Where studies have been carried out on this in the USA they show that there is no such trend there, so why should we believe there is one in Europe.

Here is another dollop of doom and gloom, but where is the science which should be under-pinning all this? Nowhere to be seen! Contrast this with the calm professionalism of Prof. John Christy. I fear that many people may be swayed by the shrill propaganda, but I hope that cooler heads may yet prevail, particularly if we get a severe winter. That must be the alarmists worst nightmare, though if it does happen you can bet they will try to blame it on "climate change".

Science should only be based on clear and precise facts. Most of the current climate scare stories are based on propaganda. They talk of predictions of droughts and we get floods; so without any evidence the alarmists then say that global warming will produce both in the same place. The evidence says that these extremes have always occurred and no evidence has been produced to say otherwise.

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