Sunday 15 July 2018


Will the UK risk being plunged into the dark after Brexit as a result of the EU shutting down the electricity supply we have come to rely on from the interconnector cable across the Channel? According to this post it is a possibility. Here is an extract from the quite lengthy post "To keep our grid functioning, we also have to import 11 percent of our power from France and the Netherlands. And over the next 12 years, according to National Grid, we plan to more than quadruple the current 4 gigawatt (GW) capacity of our interconnectors (to 18.5GW) via new cables from France, Belgium, Norway and Iceland.

These new power supplies will be vitally necessary to keep the grid functioning when it is planned that 68 percent of our generating capacity will derive from weather-dependent wind and solar, which can plummet towards zero at any time. However, the ability to buy power from our neighbours relies on the fact that we are part of the "European Energy Market", which sets the complex rules that allow it to operate." 

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