Thursday 26 September 2019


Below is a report from CFact.
Gathered at this UN “Youth Climate Summit” on Saturday were some 700 young kids from around the world. They were given a giant PR megaphone, courtesy of the mainstream media, to blast out the sentiments of the UN leadership on climate alarmism.

If there ever was an epic example of mindless propaganda on display, it was at this Summit.

“Young people from different parts of the world are living in constant fear and climate anxiety, fearing the future, the uncertainty of a healthy life or a life for their children at all,” said one student from Fiji.

“Stop the criminal contaminant behavior of big corporations ... enough is enough. We don’t want fossil fuels anymore.”, parroted another from Argentina.

And on and on it went.

That the Left exploits children to carry out its political objectives is nothing new. It’s an old trick they pull from time to time even if it has mixed results.

The flaw in their plan has always been that they bank on people lacking any common sense. Fortunately, most have a brain and understand such antics for what they are — pathetic attempts to manipulate public sentiment by foisting children as puppets.

Does anyone really think these students at the Youth Climate Summit actually understand all the ramifications of eliminating fossil fuels, and getting rid of cars, airplanes, and modern agriculture? Have these kids truly been equipped by their handlers with valid scientific facts surrounding sea level rise, polar bear numbers, temperature records, and severe weather trends?

Of course not. Having been indoctrinated by an education system that allows for no dissent or cross-examination, they merely repeat dutifully the slogans they’ve been fed ad nauseum since their childhood.

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