Saturday 25 April 2020


Here is a link to the film (1hour and 40minutes) referred to in yesterday's post. What makes this film so special is that it was made by someone who is passionate about 'saving the planet'. As he says in the film, he was a cheerleader for the people who he now denounces. He supported renewable energy and believed it was the solution. I admire someone who has the courage to change his mind and do so publicly. 

Having said that, I do not agree with his belief that extra CO2 in the atmosphere is definitely a serious concern, but what he is saying is that the very costly 'solutions' are not solutions at all, and in that I believe he is correct. What effect will this film have? I don't expect any TV channel to air it, as they don't touch anything controversial on climate these days and without that it is not likely to reach the mass audience. 

Do our political leaders really care enough to admit they are wrong? I very much doubt it. They have bought into these false solutions and most of the public have been brainwashed by all the propaganda pumped out on TV.

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