Sunday 27 February 2022


 When the situation changes then the government policy needs to adapt to the new circumstances. The Ukrainian situation has done just that and must cause the government to look afresh at their energy policy. Prices were already increasing dramatically and now look to go even higher as supplies of gas and oil start to reduce world-wide. Now is the time to use this emergency to bring the bulk of the people on-board and take head on the green extremists who have been holding the country to ransom. We must urgently start fracking and drilling to get a secure and affordable fuel supply.



    SYDNEY — Britain’s climate change adviser slammed a last-minute commitment by Australia ahead of the United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, to achieve “net zero” emissions by 2050, saying it lacks the action items needed to deliver on that pledge.

    Most countries are beginning to recognize “just how serious climate change is,” John Gummer, the U.K. Climate Change Committee chair, said Saturday, citing the renewed determination of the United States under President Biden and programs by Japan and South Korea to achieve the 2050 target.

    The consequences of not practicing reducing co2 are quite strong. Climate change is a serious issue.

  2. But the fact is that the UK is still using methane and oil and they will continue to do so under their so-called "net zero" policy. So by not producing sufficient oil and gas themselves they are simply forced to buy it from others, even including Russia! Therefore fracking and drilling our own would not produce any more CO2 than if we bought from others. In fact, as we are very efficient at regulating our own industry, we would probably find it emits less CO2 than elsewhere.

    Even if climate change did ever become a serious issue, can you honestly believe that the nations of the world will ever deliver net zero, or even anything near it? Our only choice will be to adapt to whatever the climate throws at us. We have no chance of controlling it whatever.

  3. Don't worry about a warming climate (by a maximum of 2 C according to the extremists' narrative).A nuclear war will take care of that, by about 6 C, for decades, and this will also appease the population controllers, with the death of half the world's population, directly by the nukes or as a consequence of them, cold, hunger, disease, more hunger because of the cold climate etc etc.

  4. Derek Tipp: Yes the world is committed in the short term to fossil fuels. I analogize it to being on heroine. Even though it has destructive effects on us, we have to have it. Including myself. I have been driving electric now for 6 years and I am able to have lower co2 consequences through my utility.
    Storm Eunice: Wind energy generates staggering 42% of electricity across Britain

    About 10 years from now GB will be closing in on 100% wind electricity during storms. In another 10 years just normal RE production will revolve around 100% RE day after day. There are areas on human living in 100% RE now day after day.


    I believe carbon brief is out of Great Britain. It is actually one of my favorite sites to go to for how small changes in our average temperature can be profound. Only a .5*C difference is actually dramatic in some areas. Should we manage to remain peaceful, these coming consequences will grow more in deadliness and grim living conditions.

  5. RG: "Yes the world is committed in the short term to fossil fuels." Including the UK! logic says that we should use our own supplies in order have security of supply, avoid transportation, and keep the price as low as possible. That is exactly the point I was making.

    (Anon - you are being a tad pessimistic, but in view of what's happening it cannot be ruled out)

  6. Derek:

    IF you speed up electrification, and renewable energy, Russia can go pound sand or whatever geopolitical disruption of the time. 100% renewable energy is overproduction with storage. GB is one of the leaders of offshore wind in the world.


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