Monday 6 March 2023


 There are three major difficulties with the claim that sea level rises are accelerating.

1. Geological stability: According to tidal gauges in the Gulf of Bothnia, sea levels are falling drastically. Along the coast of Finland, the variation in sea level trends is over 2 meters, over 6 feet. (Pick a sea level trend – rise or fall?)
The Gulf of Alaska and Hudson Bay are other locations with falling sea levels.
Conversely, the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Gulf of Mexico are experiencing significant sea level rise from groundwater extraction which is causing the land to sink. Coastal Virginia (Norfolk-Newport News) is an excellent example.
(Roger Bezdek did an excellent paper on this problem showing developing funnels of subsiding land around major wells at West Point and Franklin, Virginia, from the USGS report cited, pp 13 & 16.) In my view, the problem for coastal areas is solvable by desalination techniques developed by the Israelis, used in other Mid-Eastern countries and in Carlsbad, California.

2. Changing patterns of prevailing winds. Over 100 years ago the British National Oceanography Center
established tidal gauges at geodetic stable locations at Newlyn, Cornwall, England,
and North Shields, Northumberland, England. As Paul Homewood demonstrates, examination of the entire records shows periods of increasing sea level rise and falling sea levels.
Changing prevailing winds are the most likely cause in changing sea level trends in these locations.

3. As Kip Hansen shows, instrument changes are the most likely cause of the recent fad of accelerating sea level trends. Government scientific organizations should realize that following instrument changes periods of stabilization, or calibration, are needed to assure that different types of instruments are measuring the same thing the same way. The infamous hockey-stick episode demonstrated that proxy data such as tree rings may not measure temperature alone or the same way as thermometers. Many government organizations ignore these past failures and fail to properly standardize measurements.
According to Brown University in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, has been subject to floods from hurricanes (gales) since 1764.

Other major hurricane floods include 1815, 1869, 1938, Carol in 1954, and Connie and Diane in 1955. The 2010 flood was from rain.

A problem is its geological location at the small end of a funnel. The construction of the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier, completed in 1966, will help against hurricanes and northeasters, but that does not protect against river flooding from the Providence River due to rainfall. In general, sea level rise is real, but not accelerating, and not more than 8 inches per century.

1 comment:

  1. Its a very informative and simple to see page. There is one significant source of negative sea level rise and all the rest are pos. sea level rises.

    The second graph, which is from coastal tide gauge and satellite data, shows how much sea level changed from about 1900 to 2018. Items with pluses (+) are factors that cause global sea level to increase, while minuses (-) are what cause sea level to decrease. These items are displayed at the time they were affecting sea level.


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