Friday, 31 January 2025


It seems that scientists frequently associate their work with climate change in order to get publicity, however tenuous the link. In this example you can see that they have stretched credulity to the limit. These allegations only serve to make people more sceptical of the whole issue. 

 Climate change could spark outbreaks of DIARRHOEA in Britain, scientists warn | Daily Mail Online

1 comment:

  1. The catastrophic climate-change cabal has been forcing us to pay through our collective nose for the last 30 years at least to keep the earth's temperature (whatever that is or means?) from rising. They try to convince us that it is still rising, thus admitting that the policies funded by our tax money for the past three decades have been spent for nothing. They should realise that CO2 is not the culprit of rising temperatures, and they need to look into other possible culprits for climate change.

    Repeating the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result is a definition of madness and hubris.


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