Saturday 10 November 2007


Congratulations to Steve McIntyre and his Climate Audit blog for his success at being voted Science Blog of the Year in a recent poll. Steve has worked tirelessly to expose the shortcomings in the methods used by some climate scientists to ascertain the temperatures in the past. He has campaigned for all scientists to make all their data and methodology accessible to others; something that some scientists refuse to do. It only makes us ask, "what have they got to hide?"

Steve's site is our first link and has a vast amount of material, much of it only understandable to those with a good knowledge of statistics. His work has shown recently that 1998 was not the hottest year ever in the USA; it was pipped by 1934. In fact four of the hottest years on record were in the 1930's. Statistics are renowned for being subject to manipulation, and with so much depending on the outcome it is good to know that Steve is keeping a check on it.

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