Thursday 21 August 2008


Predictions about the Arctic becoming free of ice appear to be the usual exaggerations we have become used to. This article gives the up to date situation which seems far removed from the doom-laden warnings of the alarmists and their messengers in the television news studios. But we won't hear any broadcasts of their failed predictions, nor of the large increase in ice at the Antarctic. They remain resolutely on-message - if it doesn't fit the global warming narrative it isn't news.


  1. The article you link to has been updated.

    It would appear that Goddard admits his analysis was mistaken and that the NSIDC graph is good data. Goddard now says "it is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that 2008 Arctic ice is barely 10% above last year - just as NSIDC had stated."

    Maybe you should edit your blog post or create a new one to make that clear.

  2. Can you give me a link to the update?

  3. Derek, sorry for the delay, a holiday and a Python conference intervened.

    There is no new link, I meant that the article that you originally link to has been edited. An "Editor's Note" section has been added at the bottom of the article you originally linked to. I don't think this is particularly good editing practice on part of The Register, but there's not much I can do about that.


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