Wednesday 15 January 2020


The following article appeared in the print edition of the Mail on Tuesday 14 January, I could not find it online:

Word's oceans at record temperatures

Ocean temperatures are at their highest level since records began, as study has warned.

Last year oceans were 0.075C higher than the average temperature recorded over three decades from 1981 to 2010. It would take the energy of 3.6 billion Hiroshima atom bomb explosions to recreate the temperature rise, researchers said. And they found the rate of heating is accelerating - saying the findings are a clear measure of how global warming is speeding up because more than 90% of heat ends up in the oceans.

The scientists, who examined heat trends dating back to the 1950's, believe the rise has decimated marine life and killed 100 million cod.

Writing in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, study author Professor John Abraham of St Thomas University in the USA said: 'Global warming is real, and it's getting worse. This is just the tip of the iceberg for what is to come.' 

What a fear-mongering article! How could the Mail publish this without seeking any comment from an independent scientist who might challenge it. For example, it is clear that the oceans temperature varies across the world, and by a good deal more than 0.075C, so why wouldn't marine life, such as cod, simply move to cooler water? 

The comparison between the heat in the oceans and the energy from billions of Hiroshima bombs is simply scare-mongering, as the oceans are spread across millions of square miles so it is quite meaningless. 


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