Wednesday 19 February 2020


This article is in Tuesday's Daily Mail and really hits the nail on the head. Referring to the recent UK floods it says:

"What makes flooding more common now is that while we persist in building new homes on natural floodplains which, in the past, were key to flood management, we refuse to invest in the defences needed to protect them.
Blaming it all on climate change is a feeble excuse. It does, however, beg a question: if climate change is making the country more vulnerable now and in the future, as government bodies keep telling us, why aren't they taking flood defence more seriously?"
Exactly - the government has plenty of money to lavish on its cherished net zero CO2 emissions mantra, but is really penny pinching when it comes to actual measures to mitigate the real flood risk which exists now. I don't think many citizens would agree with those priorities.

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