Changes in the atmospheric reservoir of CO2
occur when there is an imbalance between
surface sources and sinks of CO2. While the
global land and ocean areas emit approximately
30 times as much CO2 into the atmosphere as
humans produce from burning of fossil fuels,
they also absorb about an equal amount of CO2.
This is the global
carbon cycle, driven mostly by
biological activity.
There are variations in the natural carbon cycle,
such as during El Nino (more CO2 accumulation
in the atmosphere) and La Nina (more CO2
removed from the atmosphere). Greater wildfire
activity releases more CO2, while major volcanic
eruptions (paradoxically) lead to
photosynthesis from more diffuse sunlight and
extra removal of CO2 from the air. The most
dramatic variations are seasonal, as the land-
dominated Northern Hemisphere experiences
an annual cycle of vegetation growth (CO2
removal) and decay (CO2 release).
The increase in atmospheric CO2 observed since
the 1950s is most likely dominated by anthro-
pogenic CO2 emissions, which are twice as large
as that needed to explain the observed rise. As I
shown before, a simple CO2 budget model
driven by (1) estimates of global yearly anthro-
pogenic CO2 emissions, (2) El Nino and La Nina
activity, and (3) a CO2 removal rate that is
proportional to how much “extra” CO2 is in the
atmosphere compared to a “preferred baseline”
CO2 level, yields an excellent fit to yearly CO2
observations at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.

Fig. 1. Yearly Mauna Loa, HI CO2 observations since 1959
(red) versus a simple CO2 budget model (blue).
But those are yearly measurements, and we are now
interested in whether the recent global economic
slowdown is showing up in the monthly Mauna
Loa CO2 data. If we
remove the large seasonal
variations (driven by the seasonal growth and
decay of Northern Hemisphere vegetation),
we see no evidence of the economic slowdown
through April, 2020.

Fig. 2. Monthly CO2 data since 2015 from
Mauna Loa, HI after the average seasonal
cycle is statistically removed.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, there are some pretty
large month -to-month jumps and dips around
the long-term increase (represented by the
dotted line). These are probably natural
variations due to fluctuations in the average
seasonal variations in vegetation growth and
decay, wildfire activity, and El Nino and La
Nina activity (which are imperfectly
removed in the solid blue line in Fig. 2).
Variations in economic activity might also
be involved in these fluctuations.
The point is that given the large
month-to-month variations in natural
CO2 sources and sinks seen in Fig. 2,
it would be difficult to see a downturn
in the anthropogenic source of CO2
unless it was very large (say, over 50%)
and prolonged (say over a year or longer).
Instead, the U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA)
estimates that
the global economic slowdown this year
due to the spread of the novel coronavirus
will amount to only about an 11% reduction
in global CO2 emissions. This is simply
too small of a decrease in CO2 emissions
to show up against a background of
considerable monthly and yearly natural
variability in the atmospheric CO2 budget.
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