Monday 28 March 2022


 Read the following article to understand just how uncertain the underlying science of climate really is. Western governments are currently spending trillions of dollars based on very incomplete understanding. The IPCC reports are clearly politically based.

Atmospheric Fingerprint – Watts Up With That?


The debate about the cause of recent global warming of Earth’s surface remains unresolved. There are several reasons why current observations, including stratospheric cooling, are inconclusive. First, the total radiation imbalance, or “forcing,” required to warm Earth’s surface one degree over the past few hundred years is extremely small, just 3-4 W/m2. This is undetectable with current technology; so, our measurements are inconclusive. As was true in 1995, when SAR was being written, we still do not know the magnitude of natural variability. Unless we know what nature can do, and is doing to our climate, we cannot detect a human influence.

Attempts to model natural climate change all assume that there is no long-term natural warming or cooling, and all warming is assigned to human influences. The huge variations in climate before humans evolved belie this assumption.

The second serious problem is we do not know what the long-term trend is in the Sun. Is it increasing its radiation output? Or is it decreasing, or staying flat? Our observations of solar output are not accurate enough to tell. Further, we do not know how the Sun affects our climate. Is the total radiation output the only thing that matters? Unlikely. Undoubtedly the solar magnetic field, the frequency mix of the solar output must matter, and the solar wind surely has an influence. But we lack the ability to model these effects as discussed in Connolly, et al.

One thing is for sure, assuming the Sun and solar variability don’t affect our climate, is foolish. Yet, this assumption underlies the IPCC’s conclusion that humans are causing global warming.


  1. This is an area that I love to talk and feel confident about the mainstream science. This link is saved on my computer and I dig this out for these occasions. This shows based in peer reviewed science that natural variation is not the cause of the warming on earth. And all the different studies show that it is indeed humans that warmed the climate. Studies coming to the same conclusion with different techniques are why there is consensus on humans caused the warming on earth. Should you decide to read the different studies and the conclusion of the studies, you will see that natural variation is very small compared to human warming.

    A wide variety of statistical and physical approaches all arrived at the same conclusion: that humans are the dominant cause of the global warming over the past century, and particularly over the past 50 years. This robust scientitic evidence is why there is a consensus amongst scientific experts that humans are the dominant cause of global warming.

  2. Those who claim there is no doubt are simply ignoring the big gaps in our understanding. There clearly is no consensus, which is why so many experts write papers like the one I linked to. Many of those who claim to accept the "climate emergency" meme have no choice if they want to keep their job, or gain promotion.

  3. The links are becoming proven beyond reasonable doubt, but will it be too late by then?!


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