Friday 8 April 2022


 Recent events in Russia have highlighted the power of propaganda whereby the Russian people have been fed a version of events which we know is completely false and yet a large number of them completely accept it, as they are not allowed to see or hear anything which conflicts with it. Here in the West we pride ourselves as being free to look at both sides of controversial issues. We even put out Putin's version of the events in Ukraine.

However on the controversial issue of the degree of global warming and its affect on the climate there is no alternative put out as an alternative to the dire predictions which are constantly put out on our mainstream TV channels, either on the news or any current affairs or documentary. There was one exception back in 2008 when the documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie - YouTubewas aired on Channel 4. Even then it was very controversial and caused a massive objection from the climate extremists. Today it is unthinkable that this would be allowed. Quite extraordinary that we should not offer any serious discussion on the most expensive policy issue in peace-time.


  1. I spent time in the past listening to and watching the film you talked about. It is full of errors and misleading information. Human emitted CO2 is a ghg that is the mainstay of our warming earth.It doesn't get any simpler than that. That's why we must transition off of fossil fuels or our future generations face some harsh living conditions.

  2. Hi RG, It is absolutely NOT simple. It is a massively complex question that we are being brainwashed into believing is simple. No one can say how much warming we will get, there are a large numbers of possible feedbacks, some positive, some negative. We have no way of understanding the role of clouds and how they are controlled. Then there is the role of solar radiation, the effect of volcanoes, the ocean currents. Anyone who dismisses all this as "simple" has obviously not studied it to any depth. As for "harsh living conditions" many people are already living in such conditions. Why does anyone believe that the temperature of the globe at 1850 to 1900 was "ideal", and why would a rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius lead to a "climate emergency". Belief in such nonsense is simply bonkers. It is akin to a belief in witchcraft.

  3. Always the doubter and yet the IPPC clearly states get out of fossil fuels to avoid the worst of human made global warming can be. In the IPPC doubt grows less every year. As a matter of fact, the theory of global warming taking into account uncertainty has now reached the gold standard of being incredibly true with extremely low doubt. AGW has reached the 5 sigma level of certainty. There is a 1 in 3.5 million chance this is wrong.


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