Friday 28 June 2024


 Climate Catastrophe! Science or Science Fiction? – Andy May Petrophysicist

A very interesting book. Here is a short extract from the linked article: 

"The IPCC report states on page 7 that they present “clear and robust conclusions … that the science now shows with 95 percent certainty that human activity is the dominant cause of observed warming since the mid-20th century.”

There are several problems with these ideas. Most heat transfer in the lower atmosphere, where there is a lot of water vapor, occurs via convection. Water vapor (and water) have a high heat capacity and carry a lot of latent heat, they transport most of the thermal energy near the surface in the so-called atmospheric “boundary layer.” CO2 has a low heat capacity. It is infrared active and absorbs and emits IR radiation, with a small delay, whereas latent heat can be carried by water vapor for weeks before it condenses as rain and emits it. At high altitudes, where there is little water vapor, CO2 is responsible for emitting most of the IR to space as thermal radiation. But, near the surface water vapor does the cooling.

 99.9% of the heat capacity is in the oceans and 0.1% is in the atmosphere.  The oceans are very cool, with an average temperature of about 4 degrees C. As stated in the quote, they contain 1,000 times the heat capacity of the atmosphere and provide a huge buffer that limits the Earth’s surface temperature. Most of the solar thermal energy that reaches the surface is absorbed by the oceans. The warmest part of the ocean is the surface of the tropical Pacific." 

The question remains; why has the Western world been captivated by such a foolish and damaging notion?

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