Thursday 13 June 2024


Net zero, according to the figures from the IPCC will cost the world a quadrillion dollars (that's a one followed by fifteen zeros) and cool it by almost 0.3 degrees Celsius. Read about it here:  

Bargain: Make the whole world “Net Zero”, spend a quadrillion dollars, and cool the world by 0.3 degrees! « JoNova (


  1. Staying on business as usual for our energy (higher emissions) we can have a little bit better economic life going with green returns.

    Benefits of Accelerating the Climate Transition Outweigh the Costs
    Climate Change Indicators Dashboard shows that avoiding physical damage from climate change can have sizable benefits
    Jens Mehrhoff
    December 5, 2023

    Ensuring a lower-carbon future is not only necessary but also good for the economy, according to the latest climate scenarios from the Network for Greening the Financial System, a group of 127 central banks and financial supervisors working to manage climate risks and boost green investment.

    The NGFS data come as world leaders gather in Dubai for the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP28, to forge agreement on how to keep the planet from overheating.

    As the Chart of the Week shows, making an orderly transition to net zero by 2050 could result in global gross domestic product being 7 percent higher than under current policies.

  2. It is simply deluded to think that 0.3 degrees C. is going to have any effect on the climate. The cost is completely unaffordable and will cause the world to go backwards. There are so many more important things this money could be used for which would transform people's lives.

  3. We have already warmed 1.2 8C since 1850. It is very simple to see, the earth can easily warm 2 to 3*C since 1850. We actually have to work very hard to avoid that much warming. Should you think that you have the right to burn every last bit of coal you want would put the earth into the scientists RCP 8.5 scenario. By 2300 we are looking 3 to 12 degrees of warming. Humans are clearly effecting the climate. That kind of path is what will destroy us.
    For the extended RCP2.6 scenario, global warming of 0.0 to 1.2 °C is projected for the late 23rd century (2281–2300 average), relative to 1986–2005.[9] For the extended RCP8.5, global warming of 3.0 to 12.6 °C is projected over the same time period.[9]


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