Friday, 21 February 2025


In his latest short video Paul Burgess suggests posing a simple question to a climate alarmist as in this 2 minute video. He says to point out to them what effect all the measures have had on the level of CO2 emissions world-wide over the past 20 years and showing a graph which indicates no effect at all apart from the major recessions and covid. He makes a very good point, but the alarmist will, of course come back with "but we have got to do far more", and then reel off the extreme weather events which they claim to be linked to climate change. Arguing with a climate alarmist is a bit like arguing with a Jehovah's Witness - it;s very time consuming and you don't get anywhere!  

(1) The Simplest Response to A Climate Alarmist - in 2 minutes - YouTube

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