Tuesday 17 October 2023


Statistics can sound scary, but the reality is that the numbers may be explained as being quite normal, Take the melting of Antarctic ice. The fact is that trillions of tonnes of ice are lost every year, due to both calving and melt. That is what ice sheets and glaciers do. And the loss is replenished by snowfall over the Antarctic continent. 

Antarctica’s melting ice shelves have unleashed 7.5 TRILLION tonnes of water into the oceans since 1997–Daily Mail | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT (wordpress.com)


  1. The evidence for shrinking glaciers around the world is overwhelming. To suggest otherwise is to show someone is ignoring the major body of evidence.

    Here is an educational summary of glaciers.



    It is virtually certain that the retreat of many glaciers around the world has been caused by climate change, a new study suggests.

    Using records of glacier length that go back over 400 years, the researchers show that shrinking of mountain glaciers in five continents could almost certainly not have happened if the Earth wasn’t warming up.

    The findings suggest that future reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) should have stronger conclusions around how human-caused climate change is affecting the world’s glaciers, the researchers say.

  2. There is no doubt that the world is warming up, but there is a great deal of doubt about how much and what proportion of it is due to man's emissions of CO2. A little warming would be beneficial.

  3. https://skepticalscience.com/a-comprehensive-review-of-the-causes-of-global-warming.html

    This article by skeptical science gives amounts based in peer reviewed science that humans are the clear warming force on earth with our burning fossil fuels. All 8 peer papers come to the same conclusion. This is how science consensus is built based in evidence.


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