Saturday 21 October 2023


There is no doubt that many glaciers around the world are retreating, though it's also interesting to note that some glaciers are advancing, which shows that although the world as a whole may have warmed a little over 1 Degree Celsius, there are are parts which have cooled.  The link below looks at this in more detail. It also highlights an interesting anomaly whereby some glaciers appeared to be melting when the world's temperatures record shows it was at the lowest point and yet the same glaciers were growing when the temperature was at its highest point! Tony Heller explains it clearly in the short video below:  

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  1. NASA disagrees with your source of information. You can say NASA is the better authority or you can say that a guy who doesn't write peer reviewed science is the authority. Your choice, not mine.

    NASA-led Study Reveals the Causes of Sea Level Rise Since 1900

    Since the 1990s, however, Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet mass loss and thermal expansion have accelerated sea level rise, while freshwater impoundment has decreased. As our climate continues to warm, the majority of this thermal energy is absorbed by the oceans, causing the volume of the water to expand. In fact, ice sheet melt and thermal expansion now account for about two-thirds of observed global mean sea level rise. Mountain glacier meltwater currently contributes another 20%, while declining freshwater water storage on land adds the remaining 10%

  2. This article was not about sea level rise, but since you raised this I can tell you that sea level has been rising for around the last two hundred years sinc ethe end of the little ice age and the rate, as measured by hundreds of tide gauges around the world, is more or less constatn when you allow for land movement.


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