The drive to reduce emissions of CO2 is now causing extraordinary decisions to be made. One glaring example is in the use of biomass to replace coal in the Drax power station in Yorkshire. The video below explains the details, highlighting the enormous costs and subsidies paid out in order to reach the mythical net zero. These costs are inevitably driving up the price of our electricity, and hence the cost of almost everything we produce here in the UK. Finally let's remember that the whole of the UK is alleged to produce less than 1% of the world's emissions, meaning that these huge costs are having no effect on either the temperature or the climate of the world.
Drax is NutZero lunacy writ large in so many respects. We have a power station built on top of a coal field, so essentially zero transport costs for the fuel, yet it is being fueled by wood pellets transported over 4,000 miles by fossil fuel powered ships, thereby almost certainly creating a "carbon footprint" larger than would have been the case if it had continued to burn coal.