Friday 12 January 2024


 John Clauser is a retired experimental and theoretical physicist who received the Nobel Prize in physics in 2022 for his work in Quantum Mechanics. 

On June 26, Clauser stated, “I don’t believe there is a climate crisis.” Clauser went on to amplify his view in a lecture on November 14, 2023 by stating “The planet is not imperiled.” He recognizes the work of Will Happer, Arthur Robinson, Willie Soon, Fred Singer, Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry, and many others. He also cited the work of a growing list of advocacy groups including the Heartland Institute, the Non-Governmental International Panel on Climate Change, Access to Energy, the CO2 Coalition, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, and Clintel’s World Climate Declaration.

As with Atomic, Molcular and Optical (AMO) physicists William van Wijngaarden and William Happer, Clauser recognizes that clouds – which no one understands – are a critical part of the puzzle of Earth’s climate change. It is foolish to ignore this lack of understanding. According to Clauser, the cloud-sunlight relationship stabilizes Earth’s temperatures and is dominant over CO2. Clouds are highly variable and reflect up to 90% of the sunlight hitting them, while oceans reflect only about 20%. Overall, our planet reflects about 30% of the sunlight out into space. Clauser asks, “What does the earth look like when viewed from space in sunlight? Negligible ice is evident in near-equatorial satellite views (areas that the sun typically illuminates). Painting rooftops white is a waste. Clouds cover 60% to 65% of the land and about 70% of the oceans. Clauser then explores how his cloud-sunlight-reflectivity thermostat mechanism works. He compares his views with those of the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [and equally to its followers such as NOAA and the National Science Foundation which finance the US global modeling efforts at Princeton and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)].

Even though the IPCC shows a heat balance diagram for all skies, its numbers are for clear skies, but not for overcast skies. This is deceptive. Further, according to Clauser, NOAA has demonstrated dishonesty on climate, extreme weather events, particularly in the work of NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco and Tom Karl who provide “An important example of what I call a government-sponsored technical con.” He cites former DOE Under Secretary for Science Steve Koonin’s book Unsettled? What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters in giving examples how NOAA has doctored data to make claims of increasing extreme weather events. One example is EF3+ data suddenly disappeared from NOAA’S Weather and Climate Extremes Index, presumably because these devastating tornadoes are declining. EF is the extended Fujitsu scale for grading tornadoes, where level 3 or higher is considered severe.

Clauser concludes by saying that something is seriously missing in the physics reported by the IPCC (and now in the physics reported by the US National Climate Assessment, which is composed of 14 agencies, including the National Science Foundation). The real issue is an energy shortage, not an excessive use of fossil fuels.

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