This is a sad day for freedom of speech and also a bad day for justice.
The Hockey Stick graph has been thoroughly debunked and yet a Washington DC jury chose to find in favour of Mann. We will have to wait and see what happens next.
This site is a reference point for those with a cool head for climate science, arguably the most political science ever. When the government and most of the media concentrate on alarmism, this site is the antidote for those who don't believe the scare stories - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! (blog started on 7/11/07) We have over 2 million hits and blog is updated regularly most weeks.
Freedom of speech is not the right to injur someone. Sandusky who Stein inferred talking about Mann was a pedofile and is now in jail. Micheal Mann beyond a shadow of a doubt proved injury with Stein's false comparisons.
ReplyDeleteYet he was only awarded a derisory 1$ in damages, so the jury did not think his reputation was greatly damaged.
ReplyDeleteThe people being sued may not of even understood the science. Instead it is a political agenda that denies the truth of the science. The jurrors believed the two men were being maliscous to intentionally hurt and damage him. Steyn may not even know or understand the science. He is loving to hear his voice bash someone hoping to make their lives miserable. This will give pause to other haters to watch what they say. Steyn just may have to pay that million dollars on this own. That is an ouch. The two organizations behind them are not liable and more than likely won't help him. He is on his own. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Steyn is now being punished.
In fact, as the jury heard when Williams cross-examined Simberg on Tuesday, Simberg hadn’t even read Mann and his coauthor’s two reports on the hockey stick graphs before writing his infamous 2012 blog post accusing Mann of scientific misconduct.
In 2021, Judge Irving, along with another D.C. Superior Court judge, decided that the Competitive Enterprise Institute and National Review could not be held liable.