Sunday 4 August 2024


 It appears that Aussie businessmen have discovered that climate targets are not compatible with making money!

Almost 30pc of Aussie companies have ‘no intention’ of meeting climate targets, new study reveals

By Jared Lynch, The Australian Business Review

Now, a survey of more than 500 companies from Schneider Electric — the biggest adviser of Australian commercial power users — says 28 per cent have no intention of meeting their Paris Agreement commitments. A further 42 per cent say they have not begun decarbonising their operations.

The worst performers in meeting climate goals were smaller companies, healthcare, construction and professional services, with the Schneider survey revealing 18 per cent did not know where to start, while almost a quarter did not consider it a priority.

Ponder just how devastating this is. 42% of Australian companies have not even begun, and another 28% have no intention of  finishing.

That’s a 70% failure rate.

This was from: Net Zero targets “Unachievable” says Air New Zealand and nearly 70% of Australian companies “not even trying” « JoNova (

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