Saturday 10 August 2024


A lot of small scale experimental projects are being tested, as can be seen in the lengthy report, linked below, which was written in 2019, so more work will have been done since. The one thing that is not mentioned is the cost of this and how much it will increase the cost of electricity and other manufacturing processes, and that is a crucial question. Not to mention who is going to pay for it, as the answer is obviously us.

A scheme is being proposed here in the Solent by Exxon. This can be seen here: Solent CO2 Pipeline Project  There is currently a consultation out for public comment, focusing on the route of the pipeline, but some people may want to ask questions about safety, particularly as there is at least some similarity between injecting gas into rock under high pressure and the process of fracking.

 A review of CO2 storage in geological formations emphasizing modeling, monitoring and capacity estimation approaches | Petroleum Science (

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