Wednesday 28 August 2024


Here is an interesting data set. It comes from 114 first class weather stations which are in locations that are as far as possible from any contamination from stray sources of heat, such as tarmac. concrete, buildings, traffic, aircraft, etc. What a great idea! Such a pity that our own Met Office has not tried to do the same. Surprisingly, for those who believe temperatures are rapidly increasing, the data has, so far, not shown any rising trend. As the data has only been going for 19 years, it is not long enough to show a meaningful trend, but if it continues for 30 years or more it will start to be more significant. 

Unfortunately, NOAA never reports this data in their monthly or yearly “state of the climate report.” And, mainstream media either is entirely unaware of the existence of this data set or has chosen not to report on this U.S. temperature record. 

 U.S Surface Temperature – Watts Up With That?

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