Monday 18 September 2023


I often wonder who the bulk of you, my readers, are and where you come from. Most of you never leave a comment, though Renewable Guy has made up for some of you! Over the years my readership has varied a lot, but this year it has definitely seen a big increase, which is very encouraging. It is interesting because it is now much harder for people to find it because the big search engines, like Bing and Google do not come up with this blog on their first pages, which they used to. Climate sceptic websites are not given any prominence these days. 

Despite all this, my number of hits for this month is already at 43000 with half the month to go and my previous best month was January this year at 42562, so it is going to be a new record. 

I started the blog back in 2007 when many of the now top blogs had not started, like Paul Homewood's superb NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT . Even Watts Up With That?  was only just starting. I started as a means of keeping a catalogue of informative articles for my own use and to show other people that there actually were a lot of scientific arguments to rebut what was being put out by the likes of Al Gore who's new film was gaining a lot of coverage at the time.

Let me be absolutely clear, I have never disputed that the climate has changed in the past and in some parts of the world it is changing now. Of course it could change any time at any place. What is definitely in dispute is that CO2 is a major driver of the climate. It is beyond doubt that there are many natural factors that have affected the climate. Particularly clouds.

Even if man-made CO2 had a measurable effect, the nations of the world could not possibly reduce the level in time to make a difference to the temperature or the climate. The answer must be to adapt to the climate rather than a futile attempt to change it. 


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