Wednesday 22 May 2024


 Apparently the government of the Isle of Man is keen to reach net zero and so they are planning to change the island's electricity generating system to include large amounts of wind and solar. The linked video by Paul Burgess highlights the major problems of doing this. The same problems exist for the rest of the UK, and anywhere else for that matter.

A Message to the Isle Of Man - What is coming your way with Net Zero ( 


  1. I was reading through Isle of man's plans on the internet. So far it's just not that challenging. All they will really need after enough RE is installed is enough storage. Back up generators sitting around doing nothing is a good thing in case something goes wrong.

    Some of the major actions include:

    The provision of carbon neutral electricity supply by 2030
    Bringing forward building regulations to ensure 97% energy efficiency in new buildings
    Seeking to bring forward a ban on fossil fuel heating systems in new builds to 2024
    The installation of 20MW of local renewables by 2026
    Future introduction of further support for homeowners and tenants to aid the transition
    The setting of a new interim emissions reduction target of 35% by 2030.

  2. "Back up generators sitting around doing nothing is a good thing in case something goes wrong." They won't be doing nothing they will be constantly needed as the wind comes and goes.

    1. I would imagine Isle of Mann to have storage at some point. They didn't discuss. That would be purely an assumption on your part.


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