Saturday 25 May 2024


 “Thanet Earth” is the largest greenhouse area in the UK.

“The glasshouses produce approximately 400 million tomatoes, 24 million peppers and 30 million cucumbers a year, equal to roughly 12, 11 and 8 per cent respectively of Britain’s entire annual production of those salad ingredients.”

Now consider this.

“The complex is powered by combined heat and power systems that create heat, power and carbon dioxide (which is absorbed by the plants) for the greenhouses”

They actually pump the waste CO2 into the greenhouse to improve production levels. 2,000ppm is their target figure – the plants love it, the human workers don’t notice any difference.

Here is a link:

1 comment:

  1. Interesting assumption you haven't talked about in here. I have talked to others who believe since carbon dioxide is one of many nutrients for plants, that the warming from co2 is neglible. Of which it isn't.

    The co2 is also just one of the many nutrients plants need. If the other nutrients aren't available, then the plants can only progress as far as the lack of nutrients can take them.

    The assumption that co2 is enough is false.
    The assumption that co2 has neglible effect on climate temperature is false. Long term co2 is highly significant on our living system, mostly negative.


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