Monday 1 July 2024


Marine Le Pen, the former presidential candidate, railed against “Brussels,” which “forces you, almost overnight, to change your boiler for €15,000,” against the “authoritarian reductions to agricultural land” and against the “heartless European Commission.”

“Don’t they have as their objective the reduction of human activity as a whole?” she asked, before connecting the issue to her obsession with French people’s daily lives, a strategy that has brought the RN to the threshold of coming to power. “It’s always the same logic of degrowth, which leads them to ban the sale of internal combustion engines in 2035, and thus deliberately program the sacking of our automotive industry and dependence on China,” she continued.

 The Rejection of Environmentalism is a driving force behind the surging “Far Right” vote « JoNova (

After this there has to be a back track on the ruinous net zero policies that Western governments have been following or else there will be riots on the streets.

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