Wednesday 24 July 2024


Jo Nova's excellent blog is constantly reminding us of how ridiculous the dramatic headlines are which reference some new climate record. When you see what is going on with the temperature measurements from our Met Office (see previous days posts) you realise what nonsense all this talk is. Read her latest post to understand what is really happening.  

 Sunday was 0.01 degree hotter than last year, and 1 or 2 degrees cooler than what cavemen lived through. So What? « JoNova (

It is quite possible to accept that CO2 is causing some warming while still being sceptical of whether that warming is a serious threat as opposed to merely one factor among many which can lead to changes in our climate. What we need to do is recognise that many of the factors affecting the climate are beyond our control. We need to learn to adapt and mitigate the most extreme weather and stop trying to control it.

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