Tuesday 30 July 2024


Here is what Prof Roy Spencer, a leading scientist in charge of the satellite temperature data set at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, has to say: 

In a warming world due to increasing CO2 there will be a statistical increase in “unusually warm” years. But assuming the warming is entirely due to steadily increasing CO2 causing a slight (currently ~1%) energy imbalance in the climate system, then the warming that results is about ~0.02 deg. C per year.

Anything different from that small 0.02 deg. C per year warming is due to natural climate variability.

So, when we get a really warm year (like 2023, and probably 2024) then something other than CO2 is mostly to blame. All of the media and environmentalist hype is just noise. Really warm years will be offset by cooler years (which no one reports on because it’s not newsworthy) so that the long term temperature trends remains ~0.02 deg C per year of warming (+0.014 deg C per year in our satellite data).

 An unusually warm year or two cannot be blamed on climate change « Roy Spencer, PhD (drroyspencer.com)

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