Monday 8 May 2023


Today I looked at the stats for the blog and was amazed to find there were  over 7000 viewers for just today which is a record. The odd thing is that they were not reading my latest post. So what has made this sudden jump. Is it you, Dave? 

I am reproducing the post below, of a discussion I had with a reader back in October 2021. Any comments welcome.  

 My position is that there is a modest amount of global warming, which, as the IPCC report says, is about 1.1 degrees C since around 1850, which was at the end of the Little Ice Age. (I don’t think anyone would think that this was an ideal climate!) Some of this warming is natural – most of that before 1950 and about half of that post 1950 is what scientists have estimated. So approximately half a degree C can be attributed to man. That is very modest and cannot by any means be called an emergency.     The problem is that politics has taken over from the science and this issue has now been captured by extremists, such as Extinction Rebellion and, unfortunately, the government has listened to these extremists and they are now fully embarking on a very costly policy of trying to eliminate fossil fuels, regardless of the fact that other major industrial nations, such as China and India, are increasing their fossil fuel usage which means our costly efforts will be wiped out.  Unilateral action is pointless, just as with nuclear disarmament.  

The language now being used is very extreme with terms like “climate emergency” being used as an everyday phrase.  It is the use of this extreme language, along with almost daily clips of extreme weather events on our main news channels which is designed to convince a sceptical public that the vast expense of decarbonisation (government estimate is £1.4 trillion up to 2050) is justified

Extreme weather has always occurred and the data show it has not increased in either severity or quantity when measured over the long term.   I am very concerned for the residents of the UK who will have to pay heavily for this and so I believe it is very important to speak up as a voice of reason.

My reader I Walker replied as follows:
I'm struggling to follow your logic.

The IPCC report says "Human-induced global warming has already caused multiple observed changes in the climate system (high confidence). Changes include increases in both land and ocean temperatures, as well as more frequent heatwaves in most land regions (high confidence). There is also (high confidence) global warming has resulted in an increase in the frequency and duration of marine heatwaves. Further, there is substantial evidence that human-induced global warming has led to an increase in the frequency, intensity and/or amount of heavy precipitation events at the global scale (medium confidence), as well as an increased risk of drought in the Mediterranean region (medium confidence)."

This appears to contradict your opinion that there is no emergency. Are you contesting the credibility of the IPCC's report?

My resonse:

As I wrote, the global rise in temperature caused by humans is only about 0.5 degrees C. The rest is natural, so is it credible that this tiny change could cause the changes in climate being claimed? Also note that 1850 was the end of the Little Ice Age. If we go back to the Medieval Warm Period, there is good evidence that temperatures were warmer than today. For example Greenland was able to have a human settlement which farmed the land. It was then vacated as temperatures dropped. At several locations evidence of forests have been found beneath the retreating glaciers which have been dated as only a thousand years old. Again indicating higher temperatures within that time span. What you need to note is that the IPCC is a politicalz organisation, not an independent scientific body. What we have is a man-made emergency driven by political expediency.

Mr Walker replied again as follows:

The IPCC’s role is to analyse the science, they use levels of ‘confidence’ not shape it to a political ideology. In any case, NASA also agrees with the conclusions (that the rise in temperature is driven by man, not nature), as do most scientists. To suggest that the temperature rise is normal puts your opinion in opposing to mainstream scientific understanding. What qualification or credible source do you use to justify this position, other than your personal, subjective opinion?

1 October 2021 at 16:57

Blogger Derek Tipp said...

My final response is below:

The IPCC's role is to identify and quantify the human role in changing the climate, which, unsurprisingly it does. - If it did not then it would not be justifying its existence. There can be no doubt that this subject has now become a highly political one and it is quite impossible to separate the science from the politics. The actual science proving that the temperature rise is mainly down to CO2 is very weak, as there are many other factors that are simply not understood. For example the role of clouds. Research into this is simply ignored because it throws doubt over the whole CO2 driven hypothesis. My views are shared by a number of highly qualified experts on the subject. You need to read more widely on the subject and get informed on the very credible alternative hypotheses. Have a look at the Global Warming Policy Foundation website.


  1. Your position that science is hugely influenced in its conclusions about the evidence of global warming is just false. The IPPC scientists are not paid. They are volunteers for 2 years to put the project together on the relevant science fields. The IPPC is basically bending over backwards to take the bias out of their evaluations of the 14,000 peices of peer reviewed literature.

    The global warming policy foundation does not show who their donors are. So who is it that donates to the GWPF? Those donors do expect a certain message to come out of the GWPF or the donations will be cut off.

    The IPPC does not pay their scientists. Your money influence argument about the IPPC does not exist and yet the money influence argument about the GWPF is very real and also secretive.

    The Global Warming Policy Foundation receives most of its revenue from private donations, although it is largely unknown who donates to the organization.

    [[[[[[[The IPCC's role is to identify and quantify the human role in changing the climate, which, unsurprisingly it does. - If it did not then it would not be justifying its existence. There can be no doubt that this subject has now become a highly political one and it is quite impossible to separate the science from the politics.]]]]]]]

  2. You seem to have misunderstood my point which was that the IPCC was set up to find the human influence on the climate. That was their aim. Those running the IPCC have an agenda to promote the ideology of human caused climate change. Why else would they leave out the many papers from researchers which do not fit their position? We should always be suspicious of such one sided reports.

  3. You are welcome to show the science that IPPC is rejecting that you think should be included.

  4. How few of us have realised that the 'Hard Left' have now grasped and realised that 'Climate Change' is their best tool ever, with which if the propaganda can be spread wide enough, to cause the Western Rules-based economies to dissipate their resources to the point of extinction. This will facilitate seamless transition to enable complete totalitarian control of Western societies without a bullet fired.

    1. The reality both sides of the political equation is dealing with is the physics of GHGs in the atmosphere. We all are on the same earth.

  5. Climate alarmists state that the Earth has not been this hot for tens of thousands of years, yet the evidence shows that Greenland was warmer in the Medieval Warm period when there was farming going no there. Beneath the Alpine glaciers scientists have found the remains of forest that have been dated to less than one thousand years. These "inconvenient" findings have been ignored.
    As far as the physics is concerned it is clear that CO2 cannot cause enough warming to cause major problems, since its absorption band is already saturated at its present concentration. The catastrophe is predicted by computer models which rely on increase in water vapour - something which is hotly contested among scientists


      The radiation forcing from all the green house gases is increasing. Look for yourself. The science tells us we should be heading towards another ice age in about 40,000 years. We keep going with GHG pollution, there won't be another one.

      The average temperature of the earth is increasing and we (humans) are the reason.

    2. Ask GWPF who their donors are. I guarantee that if they ever do honestly, they will be fossil fuel donors.

  6. As wind and solar increase their prescense on the grid, FF will be pushed out. All utilities have to do is fill in the valleys when wind and solar are low. They have time to plan this and make it work on the way to all clean energy.

    The UK’s growing fleet of wind turbines generated more electricity than gas-fired power stations in the first three months of this year, according to new data released by Drax.

    Almost a third (32.4 per cent) of the UK’s electricity was supplied from wind power during the first quarter of 2023, outpacing gas which delivered 31.7 per cent.

    It is the first time wind has provided the largest share of power in any quarter in the history of the country’s electricity grid.
    The findings have been released ahead of the next installment of the quarterly Drax Electric Insights report.

  7. Nulear power has its downsides. It may be clean, but also is very dangerous when things go wrong.. Proper design is the utmost priority when it comes to nuclear power.

    Weatherwatch: concerns over climate impact on UK nuclear power sites
    Ex-adviser worries ministers have not taken into account sea level rise and storms in selecting sites

    Paul Brown
    Fri 12 May 2023 01.00 EDT
    Successive governments since the 1980s have had plans for new generations of nuclear power stations sited around the coasts of the United Kingdom. Although the main reason for building them, according to politicians, is to provide a low-carbon form of electricity to combat the climate crisis, no thought seems to have gone into what the climate crisis might do to the nuclear power stations.

    Prof Andy Blowers, a former government adviser on nuclear waste, points out in the Town and Country Planning Association Journal that the eight sites identified in 2011 as suitable for new stations are the same as those identified half a century earlier, on which the first generation of nuclear power stations were built.

    The reason the sites were originally chosen was their remoteness, for safety, and their proximity to the sea, for cooling purposes. The latest reasoning is that they would have a better chance of public acceptance because two generations of local people have worked in the industry. The new installations are planned to operate for 60 years and will need another century after closure to cool sufficiently to remove the waste.

    Blowers, an opponent of the government plans, worries that ministers seem to have taken no account of sea level rise, intense storms and the prospect of flooding at these sites.

  8. Sea level rise is a direct result of human global warming on the planet. Future damages can be lighter or stronger depending on what we do for co2 pollution.

    The Boston Globe

    As climate change fuels fiercer rains, a new report on 2010 Massachusetts floods sends a dire warning

    An analysis found that most of the homes that suffered water damage were outside expected flood zones.


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