Friday 7 July 2023


Tony Heller has done a magnificent job uncovering all this in this video (link below). How can we trust any of this data ever again? Only yesterday the news bulletin claimed that the world's hottest day had been recorded.  Joanne Nova sums up the nonsense behind this in a post showing exactly why it is unbelievable in the post below:

Hottest day “in human history” was cooler than most of the holocene « JoNova ( 

Is The Global Temperature Record Credible? - YouTube  (Tony Heller)


  1. More accurately is Tony Heller credible?

  2. Some countries are hit harder than others.

    For every degree of global warming, Spain’s climate warms by 1.5℃.

    Spain is already experiencing severe impacts from climate change, a new report from Greenpeace reveals.

    Published today (5 July) by the organisation’s Science Unit at the University of Exeter, it outlines what the climate crisis could do to the country.

    “Projections indicate that if Spain does not cut severely the emissions that cause global warming, the country will become hotter, drier, more arid and flammable,” says Maria José Caballero, Unit Head of Rapid Response at Greenpeace Spain.

    “It will experience more floods and high-intensity fires and the impacts of sea-level rise. The data in the report shows the urgency of cutting emissions and tackling the climate crisis by taking ambitious measures, to which all political parties must commit.”

  3. My first point is that you should try to refute the facts in the article rather than make disparaging remarks about the person who wrote them. Look at the graph taken from bore hole temperatures - this clearly shows that on the longer time scale we are indeed cooling. There are no records of day to day changes in the past, so we do not have enough detailed data to say whether the current slight warming is a record or not. To say this June is the hottest ever is just an exaggeration.

    Whatever Spain does to its CO2 emissions will have no effect on the world's level of CO2 as the majority comes from other countries like China and India who are increasing theirs. What we should be doing is using our ingenuity to overcome the climate extremes by investing in storing more water and desalinating sea water. Hot countries use air-conditioning and that can make life comfortable at a cheap price with reliable coal or gas-fired power plants. Denying the world access to cheap reliable electricity will cause far more suffering to the world's poorest than a 1 degree celsius rise in temperature.
    All the droughts and floods that are currently given so much publicity have always occurred in a climate which is capable of extremes and always will. This endless propaganda will turn people off as they see that the rhetoric does not match the reality.


    Tony Heller just puts out garbage.

  5. Tony uses the actual newspaper cuttings from the time. He plots the official data put out by government agencies such as NASA and GISS and NOAA. Trying to discredit the man with general attacks that do not counter the arguments should be dismissed.

  6. Tony Heller = Steve Goddard. The site below looks over his work. H has made a statement online saying solutions to climate change lead to communism. The guy isn't out to tell the truth. He's out to distort the truth.

    Overall, we rate Real Climate Science a Quackery level pseudoscience website as well as a moderate conspiracy website based on promoting that the solutions for climate change lead to communism. We also rate them Low for factual reporting due to failed fact checks and a complete rejection of the consensus of science regarding human-influenced climate change. (D. Van Zandt 1/25/2020) Updated (01/14/2022)


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