Friday 14 July 2023


What lies at the heart of the climate change issue?  At first there was a small group of scientists who put forward a hypothesis that CO2 was going to cause a serious problem of warming. Then this got taken up by a variety of influential politicians and people with a vested interest who promoted it. Very soon the media decided to report it in a one-sided fashion, denying anyone the opportunity to make a reasoned challenge to either the science or the very costly policy of decarbonising the nation.    

We have now reached the point where in many situations people who privately disagree with aspects of the policy decide to keep their views to themselves in order not to lose their job, or chance of promotion, or become an “outcast” in society. Let's be clear, there is massive social pressure to conform.

 Money is at the root of it, as it is with any widespread idea or belief. The climate change phenomenon is much more akin to a religion, whereby the censorship is done voluntarily.

Anything which is forced upon people is only tolerated so long as it is not too uncomfortable. So far the public have not been exposed to much discomfort at all, but the time is rapidly approaching when governments will have to make some very uncomfortable decisions. Certainly by 2030 this will come.

Meanwhile the media are complicit in ramping up the fear as much as they can.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oceans are warming which fits in with the green house gas theory. Negatives outweight the positives of increased co2 in the atmosphere. So much so, that if we don't rapidly reduce emissions of GHGs, we will run into severe consequences.

    THe last link shows the constant warming of the oceans by GHGs. This is the link based in science that increases the intensity of our storms including huricanes.

    [[[[[[[[[[Anything which is forced upon people is only tolerated so long as it is not too uncomfortable. So far the public have not been exposed to much discomfort at all, but the time is rapidly approaching when governments will have to make some very uncomfortable decisions. Certainly by 2030 this will come.]]]]]]]]]
    The Earth's average surface temperature would be about −18 °C (−0.4 °F) without the greenhouse effect,[1][2] compared to Earth's 20th century average of about 14 °C (57 °F), or a more recent average of about 15 °C (59 °F).[3][4] In addition to naturally present greenhouse gases, burning of fossil fuels has increased amounts of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere.[5][6] As a result, global warming of about 1.2 °C (2.2 °F) has occurred since the industrial revolution,[7] with the global average surface temperature increasing at a rate of 0.18 °C (0.32 °F) per decade since 1981.[8]

  3. You say, "Oceans are warming which fits in with the green house gas theory." - Then explain how the heat from greenhouse gases can get into the oceans? The theory (or more accurately, hypothesis) says the hot spot should be in the lower troposphere above the tropics, which has never been found. Direct sun energy can penetrate into the surface of the oceans, but the lower frequency energy emitted by greenhouse gases cannot.

  4. [[[[[but the lower frequency energy emitted by greenhouse gases cannot.]]]]]]

    Experimental evidence says differently. Its a complex area but there is evidence showing infrared does hat the ocean.

    This was observed in an experiment carried out in 2004, aboard the New Zealand research ship Tangaroa. Using intruments to simultaneously measure the 'cool skin', the ocean below, and the amount of heat (longwave radiation) reaching the ocean surface, researchers were able to confirm how greenhouse gases heat the ocean. It should be pointed out here, that the amount of change in downward heat radiation from changes in cloud cover in the experiment, are far greater than the gradual change in warming provided by human greenhouse gas emissions, but the relationship was nevertheless established.


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