Sunday 23 July 2023


Environmental activists are waging war on many fronts including serious attempts to stop motorists having the right to use their cars to go where they please. Below is a link to a very good article explaining what is going on here in the UK. 

The revenge of Britain's motorists - UnHerd


  1. College campuses are made for walking. Park in a parking lot and walk to the building of your interest. Yet it is made for emergency services to get in and out of easily. Some places a car would be clunky to have in a space. In a world of ever increasing population, do as you please for the individual would get in the way of serving the whole community. An intelligently designed space to serve the whole, I would think to try our best to serve the needs of the most people.

    Disadvantages of Banning Cars from Inner Cities
    Banning cars from inner cities would make life less efficient
    Many taxi drivers would lose their jobs
    People would have to walk more
    Banning cars may lead to time trouble
    Commuting will become much harder
    Crowded public transport
    Spread of diseases will become more likely
    Higher demand for properties in inner cities
    Rents may increase significantly
    Social isolation of people in rural regions
    Issues with delivery
    Other streets outside the inner city would be more crowded

    Advantages of Banning Cars from Inner Cities
    Banning cars improves air quality in inner cities
    Pulmonary diseases for residents of inner cities would be less likely
    More space for restaurants and other shops
    More space for cyclists and pedestrians
    Noise level would be lower
    Lower level of light pollution in inner cities
    People would spend more time in inner cities
    Banning cars can help to slow down global warming
    We could be able to create more green spaces
    Good for our flora and fauna as well
    May help to mitigate the endangered species problem
    People would become more aware of the importance to protect nature
    More children could play outdoors
    Banning cars from cities may increase safety on our streets
    New business opportunities
    Banning cars encourages investments in green technology
    People would become fitter
    Less need to go to the gym
    People would become more creative
    People would likely spend more time together

  2. It would take a totalitarian state to ban cars in cities.

    1. I don't believe its being done against the will of the people. If so, they can change back since we both live in democracies.


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