Thursday, 1 June 2023


There have been several articles relating the government approach to COVID and their response to the so-called climate crisis and this one linked below, on Judith Curry's blog, is another interesting review. In both of these situations there is a fear, except that in the case of COVID there was clear evidence of a virus and many people were dying. This meant that the public quickly and understandably panicked and so were ready to obey the draconian measures that were issued. In the case of the climate, despite many attempts to instill fear, a lot of the public remain sceptical. In both cases alternative responses are not given any prominence, because it is perceived that to do so would dilute the message and result in confusion, which is true. If another similar, or more deadly, virus came along would the response from those in authority be any different? Personally I doubt it, though I suspect that more of the public might well be less compliant.

Fauci, Fear, Balance and the Grid | Climate Etc. (


  1. Climate change is not readily percetible by our 5 senses. It is in the long run even deadlier than covid.

  2. That is an easy thing to say, but unless you can prove it it is meaningless.


    More than 12 million global deaths are associated with environmental risks every year, Pan American health official says

  4. Even if that was true, that number was almost certainly higher 50 years ago because we are now much better at forecasting extreme weather events and we are better able to protect people against them through increased wealth and technology, largely due to fossil-fuel powered equipment.

    1. CO2 reacts in the zone of energy the earth cools off in. As we add more co2 to the atmosphere, we raise the temperature at the surface of the earth from co2 and other GHGs sending infrared back to the surface of the earth. The energy is slowed from leaving our earth's atmosphere.

      As I have shown you, the earth's oceans are absorbing 93% of the global warming. The oceans add more water vapor to the atmosphere and storms adding more energy to both.

      Electrification is what is needed to get away from co2 pollution. Solar, wind and storage will be the main RE of the future along with others. Produce beyond demand, store the energy, fill in the valleys of lower production.


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