Monday 12 June 2023


It looks like investors have had enough of the climate change brigade putting forward motions to undermine their businesses to save the planet, according to this article. I could never understand why any shareholders would vote to reduce the profitability of the company they are investing in, so this appears to be a welcome return to sanity.    

Peak ESG is behind us: Investors throw out climate fantasies at Exxon and Chevron « JoNova (

1 comment:

  1. We cannot continue on in a carbon emission world. Getting rated and performing to that rating is the key and the challenge. If not ESG, then something similar. Its time for industry to get it together for living on earth.

    ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing is set to soar to a booming $33.9 trillion in 2026, making up 21.5% of assets under management globally.
    Yet, the ESG landscape has also seen controversy and criticism, with investors doubting the accuracy of these ratings and the perceived hypocrisy of certain higher-scoring companies.
    By improving ESG reporting and investing in technology, we can avoid the risk of greenwashing and create more opportunities for positive change and innovation in the face of a climate crisis.


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