Sunday 18 June 2023


The media is constantly showing examples of extreme weather and then claiming that this is proof of climate change. It is just blatant propaganda, as the following article explains: 

How eco-journalists promote the 'weather is climate' scam - Net Zero Watch


  1. There is more to this than this article. Human co2 emissions have changed the weather today and its important to understand the extent of how we as a human species have changed our planet.

    Our planet is not only getting warmer—it’s also getting wetter. That shows up in ways both subtle and alarming.

    The Earth has warmed roughly 1.8 ℉ since 1850. This means that people almost everywhere are, on average, experiencing warmer weather. But this rise in temperature is also changing humidity and rainfall, with consequences for extreme weather events, says Professor Paul O’Gorman of the MIT Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate.

    Warmer weather is causing more humidity. We often think about how humid it feels outside: that muggy feeling is caused by a high amount of water vapor in the air. And warmer air can hold more water; in fact, says O’Gorman, humidity rises about 3.5% for every degree Fahrenheit that the temperature rises. The higher the humidity, the harder it is for our bodies to cool off by sweating, which can be uncomfortable but also increases health risks from exhaustion, fainting, and even life-threatening heat stroke.

    Humidity also affects rainfall. Experts agree that, in warmer climates, major storms are dropping more rain. Rain gauges show that the rainiest day each year has gotten roughly 3.5% wetter for every degree Fahrenheit of global warming, the same rise we’re seeing in humidity. This makes sense, says O’Gorman: if there’s more water vapor in the air when a storm starts, more rain will fall during that storm. In some regions, rainfall could rise even more as storms develop stronger winds. And the most intense tropical cyclones, or hurricanes, are expected to become more frequent too. Recent terrible hurricane seasons in the Atlantic are likely a preview of the future. In 2017, for instance, Hurricane Harvey dropped more than 60 inches of rain on Texas’s gulf coast. MIT’s Professor Kerry Emanuel has calculated that, as recently as the 1990s, the state of Texas had only a 1% chance of seeing a storm with that much rain in a given year; now, the chances are closer to 6%.1

  2. You seem to assume that the air is always fully saturated with water, but this is not the case. Also it does not always rain on the hottest days. Extreme weather events have always occurred and there is no scientific way of attributing any change on the very small global rise in temperature.
    Temperatures vary all over the globe at all times of the year.
    The activists trying to put all extreme weather on to global warming are desperate to try and make a firm connection in order to frighten people.

  3. You are denying your own science background. The IPPC are not a bunch of flakes.

    This is out of the Massachusetts institute of technology. A very highly respected set of people that live within science principles.

    You haven't countered their positions with science.

  4. Water vapor in the weather circles is called latent energy. Water vapor increases in the atmosphere as the temperature increases from the increased co2 in our atmosphere. This is very basic science. That latent energy when condensed into a liquid water releases its energy into the atmosphere. The more water vapor, the more energy released into the atmosphere. The increase of energy in our storms is one of many factors that changes with added co2 in our atmosphere.

    Increased CO2 makes more water vapor, a greenhouse gas which amplifies warming

    Water vapour is the most dominant greenhouse gas. Water vapour is also the dominant positive feedback in our climate system and amplifies any warming caused by changes in atmospheric CO2. This positive feedback is why climate is so sensitive to CO2 warming.


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